Версия для слабовидящих

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Обычная версия:

Технологический университет
имени дважды Героя Советского Союза,
летчика-космонавта А.А. Леонова

Артюшенко Владимир Михайлович

Artyushenko V. M. - chief editor of journal "Information technology Bulletin". Is a doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.

Features :

  • 47 scientific publications in journals included in one of international abstract databases and citation systems (Web of Science, Scopus),
  • more than 100 participations with papers at international conferences,
  • more than 9 peer-reviewed monographs,
  • h-index : 43,
  • number of publications : 335,
  • the number of foreign publications for the last 5 years: 109

Contact information.

141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Oktyabrskaya street 10A , office 2113.

Tel: 8(495) 543-34-30, EXT. 138

Email: rio-kimes@mail.ru